Short Message Service Center (SMSC)

Author: Anagha Ravi
Published: July 27, 2018
Updated: November 26, 2024

A Short Message Service Center (SMSC) handles SMS operations like forwarding text messages until they’ve reached their desired destinations and storing texts temporarily if the destination is unavailable. Wireless network operators connect SMSCs through SMS gateways, which act as a  transmission between the two SMSCs.

How Bandwidth is involved with SMSCs

When a message is sent with Bandwidth Services, an SMSC accepts the message with the delivery receipt value set where it is sent from the SMPP gateway. The SMSC will return the final disposition of the message as determined by the carrier.

What are the benefits of SMSCs?

Bandwidth provides a fully developed and multi-featured Messaging API to provide our businesses with the best possible messaging experience to suit the needs of their end users. Bandwidth’s messaging API exceeds just covering basic SMS. With Bandwidth’s Messaging API, our customers have the ability to integrate MMS, toll-free texting, and group messaging seamlessly into their platform.

Bandwidth has mastered the technicalities of routing messages to SMSCs, so your business can get back to focusing on what matters most to you.

The information provided in this glossary definition does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice, nor does it necessarily represent Bandwidth's products or business practices. This page is for general informational purposes only.
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