Fight fraud with Pindrop
The power of Bandwidth + Pindrop
Simplify voice authentication with Bandwidth
Protect your customers and business from fraud with best-in-class authentication solutions.
Stop asking customers for their mothers’ maiden names and decrease customer frustration with passive authentication.
Prevent loss from fraudsters, free up your agent resources for revenue-generating operations, and cut on-prem investments.
Connect voice and data intelligence across your call flows with Bandwidth’s 5x redundant network.
Let verified customers self-serve in the IVR, so contact center agents can focus on escalation and resolution.
Bandwidth Maestro™ lets you add Pindrop and other third-party tools to your CX flows, without lifting a finger.
Don’t sacrifice cloud functionality for on-prem security and software with granular, direct-to-carrier control.
Prevent fraudsters from enrolling and gathering customer data on both the IVR and agent legs.
Two fraud-fighting solutions. One integration.
Bridge the gap between your contact center and Pindrop’s solution with toll-free media forking—all with Bandwidth Maestro’s carrier-level integration.
Designed for your cloud future
Can’t complete your contact center’s move to the cloud without mission-critical voice authentication and anti-fraud solutions? Our carrier-level integration with Pindrop may be right for you if you’re:
- Phasing out your on-prem contact center equipment and don’t have a cloud-based voice authentication replacement
- Moving communications to the cloud, but don’t know what CCaaS platform you need
- Using Genesys Cloud CX or Five9 to power your contact center
- Operating a contact center in a highly regulated industry like insurance, personal finance, or healthcare
- Unbundling your contact center telephony through the BYOC model with Bandwidth
Enterprise Integrations
Connect your existing partners to Bandwidth with our suite of custom integrations across UCaaS, CCaaS, conversational AI, and voice authentication.
Wave goodbye to fraud and on-prem equipment
*Statistic from Pindrop Passport. **Statistic from Pindrop Protect.