Bandwidth Communications Services Agreement
Last Updated on September 12, 2024
Applicability and Changes to these Terms
You accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement on behalf of your organization through (a) your creation of an Account, (b) your access to or use of the Services, or (c) your express acceptance of this Agreement. You represent that you have the legal authority to bind your organization to this Agreement.
We may update this Agreement from time to time by providing you with prior written notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of any material changes. The notice of any material update to this Agreement will be provided to you in accordance with Section 12.4 (Notice). Following such notice, your continued use of the Services on or after the date of the updated version of this Agreement constitutes your acceptance of the updated version, which supersedes all prior versions of the Agreement. As stated above, your acceptance is a binding and enforceable legal commitment between you and Bandwidth. If you do not agree to the updated version of this Agreement, you must immediately stop using the Services.
This Agreement does not apply where your organization has entered into a separate written agreement with Bandwidth covering the use of the Services.
1. Parties and Affiliates
This Bandwidth Communications Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective as of the date you accept or otherwise agree to the terms of this Agreement (“Effective Date”), by and between you or the organization on whose behalf you are accepting or otherwise agreeing to the terms of this Agreement (“Customer,” “you” or “your”), and Bandwidth Inc., with its principal place of business at 2230 Bandmate Way, Raleigh, NC 27607 (on behalf of itself and its Affiliates, “Bandwidth,” “we,” “us” or “our”). The terms of this Agreement cover your use of the Services and address unique commercial considerations that apply to Bandwidth’s business as a provider of global enterprise cloud communications services and of a broad range of software application programming interfaces (APIs) for voice, messaging, and emergency services. This Agreement also incorporates any Supplemental Legal Terms and Product Terms that may apply to your use of the Services. Definitions of capitalized terms are in Section 13 (Definitions).
With respect to the provision of Services in any particular geographic area in which Bandwidth Inc. is not licensed to provide the Services or otherwise decides not to provide the Services, we will provide Services through an Affiliate and you will execute an Order Form directly with our Affiliate, such Order Form to be subject to the terms of this Agreement. The signing entity on the applicable Order Form responsible for delivering the Services under this Agreement is the Affiliate directly obligated to the terms of this Agreement.
Your Affiliate(s) may participate under this Agreement only upon approval by Bandwidth, including with regard to credit terms, by entering into an Order Form with Bandwidth or its Affiliate(s) to bind your Affiliate to this Agreement.
2. Provision of the Services
2.1 Our Obligations
Bandwidth will (a) make all Services available to you pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and any applicable Order Form; (b) provide support for the Services as referenced in the applicable Order Form, if such level of support is other than Bandwidth’s standard level of support; and (c) comply with any agreed-upon service level agreement.
2.2 Modification to our Services
As Services evolve, Bandwidth may modify the Services (including support services); provided Bandwidth does not materially reduce overall functionality of the Services. In the unlikely event Bandwidth determines it must make a change that impairs the feature(s) or functionality of an existing Service(s), Bandwidth will use reasonable efforts to provide you with sixty (60) days’ advance notice.
2.3 Maintenance
Bandwidth will provide you with not less than seven (7) days’ prior written notice in the event of routine, planned maintenance of its Services. For emergency maintenance, Bandwidth will provide as much notice as is practical under the circumstances. Services may be interrupted during maintenance or an upgrade. In all cases, Bandwidth will work with you to minimize disruptions to the Service.
3. Use of the Services
3.1 Account Creation and Information
To use the Services, you will be asked to create an Account with Bandwidth. When creating your Account, you are responsible for (a) providing accurate, complete, and current information and (b) keeping all requested information accurate, complete, and current after creating the Account. You may only allow use of the Account to authorized persons you designate. You are responsible for monitoring and managing access to the Account and remain solely responsible for all acts, omissions, and activities conducted on or through your Account. Bandwidth will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from unauthorized use of your Account.
3.2 Obligation to Maintain End User Information
You will provide Bandwidth with all information and assistance reasonably required to enable provisioning of the Services, including requiring End Users to provide accurate and up-to-date End User Information in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and licensing requirements.
3.3 Customer Responsibilities
You will (a) be solely responsible for all use of the Services under your Account; (b) be responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity and legality of Customer Data made available to us by or for you through the use of the Services and each Customer Application; (c) use the Services in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy, our Supplemental Legal Terms, the applicable Order Forms and Product Terms, and any applicable laws and regulations; (d) be solely responsible for all acts, omissions, and activities of anyone who accesses a Customer Application; (e) where applicable, be responsible, at your sole cost, for providing all Equipment, including the installation, configuration, integrity, and technical and physical security thereof, and for connecting to Bandwidth’s network in a manner and at locations determined by Bandwidth; (f) reasonably cooperate with Bandwidth to perform interoperability testing between Bandwidth’s and your networks and systems, to be completed within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days after your execution of the applicable Order Form, and notify us prior to implementing any Configuration Change so the Parties may work together in good faith to determine how best to proceed; (g) use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of your Account, and notify us promptly of any unauthorized access or use; and (h) cooperate with information requests from law enforcement, regulators, or telecommunications providers within the timeframe requested, including the provision of relevant End User Information.
3.4 Usage Restrictions
You will not (a) use any Service for any purpose other than your own internal business purposes or as permitted in the Product Terms; (b) make any Service available to, or use any Service for the benefit of, anyone other than you and your End Users, unless otherwise expressly stated in an Order Form; (c) sell, resell, or distribute any Service, or offer the Services, on a standalone basis; (d) attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Service or its related systems or networks. For the avoidance of doubt, your own internal business purposes may include making the Services available to End Users in connection with a Customer Application, as permitted under this Agreement; provided that such use does not include a sale or resale of the Services as a standalone offering.
3.5 Fraud
If you suspect or have knowledge of any fraudulent use of the Services, you will immediately stop using the impacted Services and notify Bandwidth. You acknowledge and agree that Bandwidth does not provide or warrant any fraud prevention. If we become aware of unusual Service-related volumes or patterns, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify you. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our sole obligation to you with respect to any actual, alleged or suspected fraudulent use of the Services will be to reasonably cooperate with you upon your request, and at no expense to Bandwidth, to assist your efforts to stop any fraudulent use of the Services that you report to us. Except to the extent that such fraud arises directly out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Bandwidth, you are and will remain solely responsible for all expenses and liabilities, including usage charges, relating to the fraudulent use of the Services by you, your End Users, or any other person or entity directly or indirectly utilizing the Services.
4. Fees and Payment Terms
4.1 Payment of Fees
Except as otherwise set forth in the applicable Order Form(s) or in an invoice, you shall pay the Fees in accordance with the contracted rates specified on the Rate Sheet, or as set forth in your Account, as applicable, as well as any and all Costs, Taxes and Surcharges applicable to your use of the Services. You acknowledge that Taxes and Surcharges are variable based on your usage and tax jurisdiction. Payment obligations under this Agreement are non-cancelable, and all Fees paid under the Agreement are non-refundable, subject to the dispute process set forth in Section 4.4 (Payment Disputes and Back-Billing). Credit is subject to Bandwidth’s approval, and Bandwidth may change your credit terms based on your payment history or change in financial circumstances such that you are unable to provide sufficient assurance of your ability to meet your obligations hereunder.
4.2 Taxes and Surcharges; Exemption
All Fees are exclusive of any applicable Taxes and Surcharges. If you are seeking exemption from any Taxes or Surcharges that may otherwise be assessed to you by Bandwidth because you are an exempt entity, you must provide to Bandwidth, as applicable, all acceptable and valid tax-exempt certification, direct pay permits, tax registration numbers, and/or other required documentation. Bandwidth will only apply such exemptions on a prospective basis and has no obligation to consider any retroactive request for exemption.
4.3 Payment Terms
You will pay the Fees, Taxes, and Surcharges due under this Agreement in accordance with the following payment terms:
4.3.1 Prepayment
For some Services, Bandwidth may require Prepayment. This requirement will be specified in the Order Form for the Service. In the event Prepayment is required, you are responsible for ensuring the availability of sufficient funds in your Account at all times to cover the Fees, plus Taxes and Surcharges, incurred in relation to your Services. If your Account(s) does not have sufficient funds, or your credit card declines a charge for the amount(s) due, Bandwidth may suspend the affected Services until full payment is made.
4.3.2 Postpayment
For Services not requiring Prepayment, invoices will be sent to you via email to the email address(es) you designate in your Account. Unless otherwise set forth in the applicable Order Form(s), (i) you agree to pay all undisputed Fees, Costs, Taxes, and Surcharges due for Services no later than the Invoice Due Date, and (ii) the amount(s) due are payable in United States dollars, unless otherwise set forth in the applicable Order Form. If you fail to pay the amount(s) due and to remedy such failure within fifteen (15) days of the Invoice Due Date, Bandwidth may suspend the Services to all of your Accounts until full payment is made. Subject to Section 4.4 (Payment Dispute and Back-Billing), any payments that are not received by the Invoice Due Date will be subject to a late fee of one and one-half percent (1½%) per month, or the maximum rate allowable by law, whichever is less. In certain instances, Bandwidth may enforce a credit limit on postpaid accounts, which credit limit will be agreed upon in writing by both parties.
4.4 Payment Disputes and Back-Billing
Bandwidth will not suspend your Account for non-payment of disputed amounts, provided you (a) raise any dispute in accordance with Section 12.4 (Notice) within thirty (30) days of receipt of the applicable invoice and include substantiating documentation for the dispute with your notice, (b) dispute the applicable charges reasonably and in good faith, (c) cooperate diligently to resolve the dispute and (d) pay all undisputed charges by the Invoice Due Date. In the absence of manifest error related to a disputed amount, Bandwidth’s records will prevail. Bandwidth retains the right to invoice, including any amended or corrected invoices, for Services for a period of up to six (6) months after the date Bandwidth provided the Services.
5. Ownership and License Grant
5.1 What We Own
Except for any rights expressly granted to you under the Agreement, Bandwidth retains ownership of the Services and related documentation, the Electronic Tools, the Bandwidth APIs, and our Confidential Information. Any third-party intellectual property in any Electronic Tool is the property of the respective owner of such intellectual property.
5.2 What You Own
You retain ownership of each Customer Application and your Confidential Information.
5.3 License Grant
Bandwidth grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable (except to the extent this Agreement is assigned or transferred by you in accordance with its terms) license to use the Electronic Tools (and any documentation, user guides or other similar materials that Bandwidth may provide you) solely in connection with your internal use of the Service(s) during the Services Term. You agree that you will not, directly or indirectly: (a) use the Electronic Tools for unlawful purposes; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or underlying ideas of the Electronic Tools; (c) modify or create derivative works based on the Electronic Tools; (d) commercially exploit or otherwise transfer rights in the Electronic Tools; (e) make available to or use the Electronic Tools for the benefit of a third party; and/or (f) copy, reproduce or transmit any Electronic Tools. Nothing in this Agreement gives you any right or license to any trademarks and/or trade names (whether registered or unregistered), logos, icons, slogans, banners, screen shots, trade dress, links or other brand features of Bandwidth, without Bandwidth’s prior written consent.
6. Confidentiality and Use of Personal Data
6.1 Use and Disclosure of Confidential Information
Recipient may not disclose Confidential Information of Discloser to any third party, except for its Permitted Recipients, and will use no less than reasonable care to protect Discloser’s Confidential Information and to avoid disclosure of Confidential Information. Recipient: (a) will ensure its Permitted Recipients are subject to written confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than Recipient’s obligations under this Agreement and (b) is liable for any breach of this Section 6.1 by its Permitted Recipients.
Information is not Confidential Information if: (a) the information is known by Recipient, at the time of disclosure, without confidentiality obligations; (b) the information is or becomes public knowledge through no fault of Recipient; or (c) the Recipient or a third party independently develops the information without the use of Discloser’s Confidential Information. Recipient may disclose Discloser’s Confidential Information upon receipt of inquiries from law enforcement agencies and governmental authorities or other legal process, if required to do so by applicable law, regulation, subpoena, court order, or other actions of governmental agencies or entities.
Upon reasonable written request of the Discloser, the Recipient will either return, delete or destroy all Confidential Information of Discloser and certify the same. If Confidential Information is stored in routine back-up media and cannot be destroyed or returned to the Discloser without undue burden on the Recipient, the Recipient agrees that it will not access or use such information and will certify to the same.
6.2 Joint Marketing
Each Party grants the other Party the right to use its name, mark, and logo on its website and in its marketing materials and to publicly identify the other Party as its customer or vendor, as applicable.
6.3 Privacy and Data Protection
Bandwidth will process Personal Data in connection with your use of the Services in accordance with our Data Protection Addendum. To the extent your use of the Services requires, you are responsible for providing notice to, and where required by applicable law, obtaining consents from, individuals regarding the collection, processing, transfer, and storage of their data through your use of the Services, including but not limited to your obligations in Sections 3.1 (Account Creation and Information) and 3.2 (Obligation to Maintain End User Information).
7. Term, Termination and Suspension
7.1 Term
The Agreement begins on the Effective Date and continues until it is terminated pursuant to Section 7.2.
The term of any Order Form will begin on the Order Form Effective Date and will continue through the term identified in the applicable Order Form, subject to earlier termination in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise set forth in the Order Form, the initial Services Term for each Service will be twelve (12) months, and the Services will automatically renew for successive terms of twelve (12) months each on the same terms and conditions applicable during the initial Services Term, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties with at least thirty (30) days’ notice before the expiration of the applicable Services Term.
7.2 Termination
7.2.1 For Cause
Either Party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon written notice if (a) the other Party commits a material breach of this Agreement or the applicable Order Form, and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the terminating Party; or (b) an Insolvency Event occurs in respect of the other Party. If Bandwidth terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 7.2.1, no Wind Down Period will apply.
Bandwidth may, at its option and without limiting its other remedies, terminate and/or suspend Service(s) if Bandwidth determines in its sole discretion that the use of the Services by you or your End Users threatens the security, integrity or availability of the Services, or otherwise violates the AUP. If we terminate the Services pursuant to this Section 7.2.1, you remain responsible for all applicable Fees, Taxes, and Surcharges, and Bandwidth will have no liability for any damage, liabilities, losses, or other consequences you may incur in connection with such suspension or termination.
7.2.2 For Convenience
Either Party may terminate this Agreement or any Order Form(s) at any time on not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice.
7.3 Wind Down
If this Agreement is terminated upon written notice for any reason other than termination by Bandwidth pursuant to Section 7.2.1, Bandwidth will, if requested by Customer, continue to provide the Services for a Wind Down Period to enable Customer to locate and transition to an alternative provider. During the Wind Down Period, the Fees, Taxes, and Surcharges, and the payment terms set forth in this Agreement and any applicable Order Form(s), will apply. If you materially breach this Agreement during the Wind Down Period, Bandwidth may immediately terminate the Wind Down Period.
7.4 Effect of Termination
The termination or suspension of an individual Order Form or any Services purchased from Bandwidth will not terminate or suspend any other Order Form or Service, or the remainder of the Agreement, unless specified in the notice of termination or suspension. If the Agreement is terminated, all outstanding Order Form(s) and Services will terminate. If this Agreement or any Order Form is terminated or suspended, you agree to pay all applicable Fees, Taxes, and Surcharges related to Services consumed by Customer up to the effective date of termination or suspension, as well as the payment of any early termination fees associated with Customer’s minimum spend and other commitments related to the applicable Order Form(s), with the exception that Customer will not be responsible for any such early termination fees in the event Customer exercises its right to terminate pursuant to Section 7.2.1 or Bandwidth exercises its right to terminate pursuant to Section 7.2.2. Upon termination of this Agreement, the terms of this Section 7.4, and the terms of the following Sections, will survive: Section 4 (Fees and Payment Terms), Section 5 (Ownership and License Grant), Section 6 (Confidentiality and Use of Personal Data), Section 8 (Representations & Warranties; Disclaimers), Section 9 (Third-Party Claims), Section 10 (Limitation of Liability), Section 11 (Governing Law and Venue) and Section 12 (General).
8. Representations & Warranties; Disclaimers
8.1 Bandwidth
Bandwidth represents that (a) it will provide the Services in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and (b) the Services will comply in all material respects with laws applicable to Bandwidth as the provider of the Services. Our sole obligation, and your sole and exclusive remedy, in the event of any failure by us to comply with this Section 8.1 will be for us to, at our option, (i) remediate any material non-conformity or (ii) refund to you the Fees you actually paid for the time period during which the affected Services do not comply with this Section 8.1.
8.2 Customer
You represent and warrant that (a) your use of the Services will comply with all applicable laws; (b) you will not use the Services for any illegal activity or in a manner that otherwise violates Bandwidth’s Acceptable Use Policy; (c) you have provided, and will continue to provide, adequate notices and have obtained, and will continue to obtain, the necessary permissions and consents, to provide Customer Data to us for use pursuant to Section 3.2 (Obligation to Maintain End User Information) and Section 3.3 (Customer Responsibilities).
9. Third-Party Claims
9.1 General Claims
Each Party (the Indemnifying Party) shall defend the other Party (the Indemnified Party) from and against any and all Claims by third parties directly arising out of or directly caused by, and in proportion to, the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnifying Party. Indemnifying Party will indemnify and hold harmless Indemnified Party from any Damages awarded against Indemnified Party or for settlement amounts approved by Indemnifying Party for such Claims.
In addition, and notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Customer shall defend Bandwidth Indemnified Parties from and against any and all Claims made against Bandwidth by third parties as a result of (a) your or any End User’s use, or misuse, of the Services; (b) the use or operation of Customer Equipment; or (c) a Customer Application, including, without limitation, any Claims that a Customer Application, or your or any End User’s use of a Customer Application, infringes or misappropriates such third party’s intellectual property rights. Customer will indemnify and hold Bandwidth Indemnified Parties harmless from any Damages awarded against Bandwidth or for settlement amounts approved by Customer for such Claims.
9.2 IP Infringement Claims
Bandwidth will defend Customer Indemnified Parties from and against any IP Infringement Claim. Bandwidth will indemnify and hold Customer Indemnified Parties harmless from any Damages awarded against a Customer Indemnified Party or for settlement amounts approved by us for an IP Infringement Claim.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Bandwidth has no obligation under this Section 9.2 with respect to IP Infringement Claims (a) arising from your use of the Services in a manner other than what is contemplated, permitted, or prescribed by this Agreement; (b) arising out of our compliance with your specific requests, where such IP Infringement Claims would not have arisen but for such compliance; (c) arising from the combination with, addition to, operation or use of the Services with other applications, products or services where the Services would not by themselves be infringing; (d) arising solely out of the use of Third-Party Services resold to the Customer and/or integrated into or with the Services pursuant to this Agreement; or (e) arising from Services for which there is no charge.
If any Service becomes, or is likely to become, the subject of an IP Infringement Claim, Bandwidth may at our option and expense: (a) secure the right to continue using the Service; (b) replace or modify the Service to make it non-infringing; or (c) if we cannot reasonably accomplish the foregoing options, terminate this Agreement upon written notice without liability, or, if applicable, terminate the Services that are the subject of any IP Infringement Claim and refund you any unused pre-paid fees.
9.3 Third-Party Claim Procedure
Sections 9.1 (General Claims) and 9.2 (IP Infringement Claims) are conditioned on the Indemnified Party: (a) promptly notifying the Indemnifying Party in writing of any allegations or a legal proceeding, to the extent Indemnifying Party would be prejudiced by this failure; (b) tendering sole control of the indemnified portion of the legal proceeding to the Indemnifying Party; (c) providing Indemnifying Party with reasonable assistance for the defense or settlement (as applicable) of the legal proceeding; and (d) refraining from making admissions or statements about any legal proceeding without Indemnifying Party’s prior written consent.
9.4 Exclusive Remedy
In addition to any termination or suspension remedies expressly set forth in the Agreement, this Section 9 (Third-Party Claims) states Indemnifying Party’s sole liability to, and Indemnified Party’s sole and exclusive remedy against, the other Party for the subject matter giving rise to any third-party claim under this Agreement.
10. Limitation of Liability
10.1 Liability Cap
To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will the total and aggregate liability of either Party for all Claims arising out of or related to this Agreement exceed the amounts received by Bandwidth during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the first incident out of which the liability arose. The foregoing limitation will apply whether an action is in contract or tort (including negligence) and regardless of the theory of liability.
10.2 No Cap on Liability
Neither Party’s liability is capped for damages resulting from (a) any amounts payable pursuant to a Party’s indemnification obligations under Section 9 (Third-Party Claims), (b) your unauthorized use of any Service and/or (c) your breach of Section 4 (Fees and Payment Terms).
10.3 Limitation on Type of Damages
In no case will either Party (or its respective Affiliates or subcontractors) be liable to the other Party for any special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages, or for exemplary or punitive damages, loss of goodwill or business profits, lost savings or business or service interruption, cost of procurement or substitute goods, or any damages for lost or damaged data, whether an action is in contract or tort and regardless of the theory of liability, even if a Party has been advised of the possibility of such damages or if a Party’s remedy otherwise fails of its essential purpose; nor will Bandwidth be liable for any damages caused by any Service for which there is no charge. The foregoing disclaimer will not apply to the extent prohibited by law.
10.4 Specific Limitation on Emergency Services
10.4.1 Nature of Emergency Services
You acknowledge and agree that the Services are internet-based and therefore Emergency Services may differ from traditional wireline-based services. You understand and agree that specific terms describing how to purchase, activate and use Bandwidth’s Emergency Services are established in the Order Form(s), Supplemental Legal Terms, Product Terms, and any applicable attachments, all of which are fully incorporated herein by reference.
10.4.2 Your Obligations
You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for ensuring (1) your End Users are regularly informed of any terms specifying how Bandwidth’s Emergency Services should be used; (2) your End User Information remains accurate and complete throughout the term of the Emergency Services; (3) and all End User Location Information required for the activation of Emergency Services is provided to Bandwidth in a timely manner.
10.4.3 Limitations
You acknowledge and agree that in no case will any Bandwidth Indemnified Party, its underlying carrier(s), nor any other third parties involved in the routing, handling, delivery or answering of Emergency Services or in responding to emergency calls, be held liable for any Damages arising out of the acts, omissions or failures of a third party to route, handle, deliver or answer an emergency call, or for any Damages arising out of your failure to fulfill your obligations under Section 10.4.2 (Your Obligations). You hereby waive any and all Claims arising from or relating to the provision of all types of Emergency Services provided to you under this Agreement unless directly arising out of, or directly caused by, gross negligence and/or willful misconduct of Bandwidth. The limitations set forth in this Section 10.4.3 apply to all Claims regardless of whether they are based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, product liability, tort or any other theory of liability. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 10 or the Agreement shall be construed as limiting or restricting a Party’s liability for death or personal injury arising from that Party’s gross negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be limited as a matter of public policy or law.
11. Governing Law and Venue
This Agreement, and any disputes or Claims (including any non-contractual Claims) arising from it, will be exclusively governed by and construed under the governing law specified below, based on your primary place of business. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods and any conflict of laws principles will not apply to this Agreement. The courts located in the applicable venue below will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement or its formation, interpretation or enforcement. Each Party hereby consents to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts.
Your Primary Place of Business | Governing Law | Jurisdiction and Venue |
Any location not specified below | State of North Carolina, United States of America | Superior Court of North Carolina, Wake County; Federal Courts of the Eastern District of North Carolina |
United States, Latin America or the Caribbean | State of North Carolina, United States of America | Superior Court of North Carolina, Wake County; Federal Courts of the Eastern District of North Carolina |
Any country within the European Economic Area or its regions or territories, the United Kingdom Switzerland, Andorra, or Vatican City | England and Wales | Courts of London, England |
12. General
12.1 Order of Precedence. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency among the following documents, the order of precedence will be: (a) the applicable Order Form, including any Product Terms referenced therein; (b) this Agreement; (c) the applicable Supplemental Legal Terms; (d) our Acceptable Use Policy; and (e) any other terms incorporated herein by reference.
12.2 Export and Sanctions Laws. Each Party will comply with export control and economic sanctions laws in any applicable jurisdictions that apply directly or indirectly to the Services, including, without limitation, the United States. You agree to obtain all applicable licenses or other authorizations required to export, re-export or transfer the Services. Each Party represents that it (and, in the case of Customer, End Users) is not on any Sanctions List. Customer will not export, re-export or transfer the Services to any entity on any Sanctions List without prior U.S. government or other required government authorization. Customer will (a) immediately discontinue use of the Services if Customer is placed on any Sanctions List and (b) remove any End User’s access to the Services if such End User becomes placed on any Sanctions List.
12.3 Change in Law. If there is a change in any law, rule, directive, regulation, or the interpretation thereof which affects this Agreement or the activities of either Party under this Agreement, and either Party reasonably believes in good faith that the change will have a substantial adverse effect on that Party’s rights or obligations under this Agreement, then that Party may, upon written notice, require the other Party to enter into good faith negotiations to renegotiate the terms of this Agreement. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement concerning the modification of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after the date of the notice seeking renegotiation, then either Party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other Party and without prejudice to the terminating Party.
12.4 Notice. Notice to us under this Agreement must be in English and provided via email to: (a) for all billing-related matters; (b) for all operations-related matters; and (c) for any notice of breach or termination, or any dispute other than a billing dispute. Legal notice to you under this Agreement, and billing- and operations-related notices to you, will be provided via email to the email address(es) you designate in your Account.
12.5 Relationship of the Parties, Subcontracting, and Assignment. The Parties are independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement creates a partnership, employment, agency, or fiduciary relationship between the Parties. Each Party will be solely responsible for supervision, control, and payment of its own personnel. Bandwidth may subcontract to third parties as long as subcontractors agree to protect Confidential Information and Bandwidth remains responsible to you for performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Neither Party may assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the other Party’s express written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
12.6 Third Party Beneficiaries; Customer Obligation to End Users. The Parties do not intend this Agreement to confer any benefit, incur any obligation or duty under law or otherwise, direct or incidental, upon any third party, person or entity not a party to this Agreement, including Customer’s End Users, as applicable. For the avoidance of doubt, Bandwidth has no relationship with or obligation to any of Customer’s End Users, none of whom is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Affiliates of Customer who are authorized to use the Service(s) by Customer have no independent claim under this Agreement.
12.7 Force Majeure. Except for payment obligations, neither Party will be responsible for failure to perform its obligations due to an event or circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
12.8 No Waiver. Failure by either Party to enforce any right under this Agreement will not waive that right.
12.9 Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is not enforceable, it will not affect any other terms of the Agreement.
12.10 Waiver of Right to Jury Trial. To the fullest extent permitted, each Party waives any right it may have to a jury trial for any claim or cause of action arising out of or in relation to the Agreement.
12.11 Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the complete agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, understandings or agreements (whether written or oral). All previous representations, discussions and writings (including any confidentiality agreements) are merged in and superseded by the Agreement and the Parties disclaim any reliance on them. This Agreement may be modified solely in writing signed by both Parties, except as permitted under the Agreement. Any terms and conditions stated in a Customer-issued purchase order or similar document shall have no force and effect with regard to this Agreement, even if Bandwidth accepts or does not otherwise reject such purchase order after the date you accept this Agreement.
13. Definitions
13.1 Account means an account that enables you to access and use certain Bandwidth Electronic Tools in order to consume the Services, and may require the creation of a username and password or other means of access designated by Bandwidth.
13.2 Agreement means this Bandwidth Communications Services Agreement, our Supplemental Legal Terms, the Product Terms, the DPA, all Order Forms entered into under this Agreement, and any other appendices, addendums, or policies incorporated herein by reference.
13.3 Affiliate means an entity that owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common control or ownership with a Party, where “control” means the direct or indirect power to direct the management and policies of an entity, whether through ownership of voting interests, by contract or otherwise.
13.4 Bandwidth API means any Bandwidth application programming interface.
13.5 Bandwidth Indemnified Parties means Bandwidth (including, for the avoidance of doubt, our Affiliates), our officers, directors, employees, and agents.
13.6 Claim means a claim, action, demand, suit, complaint, or legal regulatory body, administrative or judicial proceeding filed against a Party.
13.7 Confidential Information means information disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient during the term of the Agreement that (a) is marked confidential; (b) if disclosed verbally, is clearly described as confidential at the time of disclosure and is subsequently summarized in writing to the Recipient within fourteen (14) days and marked as confidential; or (c) is information which by its nature should reasonably understood to be confidential or proprietary information of the Discloser, whether disclosed in writing or verbally. “Confidential Information” includes CPNI.
13.8 Configuration Changes means upgrades, updates and/or enhancements Customer makes to its networks and/or systems.
13.9 Costs means fees incurred by Bandwidth for the provision of Services to you that arise out of your use of the Services (e.g., administrative and hourly fees paid to vendors or consultants to retrieve information from data centers to respond to law enforcement or regulatory agency demands), which are not Fees or Surcharges.
13.10 Customer Application means each software application or service that you make available to End Users that (a) interfaces with the Services, (b) provides a value-added application other than the Services, and (c) does not include a distribution, sale or resale of any of the Services.
13.11 Customer Data means any content, materials, data and information made available to us by or for you, in connection with your use of the Services under this Agreement. Customer Data and its derivatives will not include Bandwidth Confidential Information.
13.12 Customer Equipment means all Customer facilities, systems, equipment, proxy servers, software, networks, network configurations and the like.
13.13 Customer Indemnified Parties means you, your officers, directors, employees and agents.
13.14 Customer Proprietary Network Information (or, CPNI) means Confidential Information about Customer’s purchase and use of telecom-related Services and shall have the meaning set forth in 47 USC 222(h)(1).
13.15 Damages means any damages, costs, fines, fees and/or penalties imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction, including any attorneys’ fees and costs.
13.16 Discloser is a Party disclosing Confidential Information under this Agreement.
13.17 DPA means our Data Protection Addendum, available at and incorporated by reference.
13.18 Electronic Tools means Bandwidth-enabled service ordering platforms, portals, management systems, APIs, and/or any other computer software that Bandwidth makes available to Customer for use with the Services.
13.19 Emergency Services means the technical capability to deliver emergency calls to emergency response centers. Emergency calls are generally placed by a caller who dials a lawfully-established and jurisdictionally-appropriate emergency short code number (e.g., 911, 112).
13.20 End User means (a) Customer; (b) any individual who is authorized by Customer to use a Service delivered by Bandwidth to Customer for Customer’s internal use (e.g., Customer’s employees, consultants, contractors, and agents); (c) anyone who accesses or uses a Customer Application; and/or (d) where applicable, the Emergency Services caller.
13.21 End User Information means identifying information relating to the End User, including but not limited to their name, ID number, place of residence or business (street, number, zip code, city, country), corresponding IP address, and business registration certificate where End User is a legal entity.
13.22 Equipment means any and all facilities, systems, equipment (including proxy servers), software, networks and IP connectivity (including, without limitation, connectivity to your End Users) used and/or required to be used in connection with the Services.
13.23 Fees mean amounts paid or to be paid by Customer to Bandwidth for the Services.
13.24 Indemnifying Party means (a) Bandwidth when Customer is the Indemnified Party; and (b) Customer when Bandwidth is the Indemnified Party.
13.25 Invoice Due Date means fifteen (15) days immediately after the date of a Bandwidth invoice.
13.26 Insolvency Event means (a) the commencement of liquidation, dissolution, receivership, or bankruptcy proceedings, by or against a Party; (b) an adjudication of insolvency or an institution of any reorganization arrangement or readjustment of debt plan by or against a Party; or (c) the appointment of a receiver for all or substantially of a Party’s assets.
13.27 IP Infringement Claim means any claim brought by a third party against Customer alleging that the Services provided under this Agreement infringe or misappropriate such third party’s intellectual property rights.
13.28 Location Information means, for each telephone number, the accurate and valid dispatchable emergency response location information for the assigned End User, which must include sufficient specificity to enable emergency responders to geographically locate the calling party and comply with any Multiline Telephone Systems (MLTS) requirements applicable to Customer or End User (e.g., if the End User’s location is a multi-story building, Customer must provide Bandwidth with the floor and suite number in addition to address information if applicable MLTS requirements so prescribe).
13.29 Order Form means an ordering document that specifies mutually agreed-upon commercial terms applicable to the Services, including rates and any minimum spend commitments and recurring charges.
13.30 Party means each contracting party to this Agreement; specifically, Customer and Bandwidth.
13.31 Permitted Recipients means the Recipient’s employees, Affiliates, agents, and contractors who have a need to know the Discloser’s Confidential Information.
13.32 Personal Data has the meaning set forth in the DPA.
13.33 Prepayment means maintaining a credit balance amount determined by Bandwidth sufficient to actual or estimated Fees, including Taxes and Surcharges.
13.34 Product Terms means the Service-specific terms and conditions applicable to the Services you acquire, as set out at
13.35 Rate Sheet means the document accompanying an Order Form that specifies the rates for the Service(s) listed on the applicable Order Form.
13.36 Recipient is the Party receiving Confidential Information under this Agreement.
13.37 Sanctions List means any government-denied, -prohibited, or -unverified sanctions, debarment or exclusion list.
13.38 Service(s) means any distinct service provided by Bandwidth that is ordered by you under an Order Form and described in further detail in the relevant Product Terms.
13.39 Services Term means the period during which you are entitled by Bandwidth to use, receive access to, or consume a particular Service pursuant to an Order Form.
13.40 Supplemental Legal Terms means any legal terms or requirements that (a) supplement the terms of the Agreement between Customer and Bandwidth and (b) apply solely to the extent Customer uses an identified Service.
13.41 Surcharges means any applicable communications service or telecommunication provider (e.g., carrier, aggregator) fees or surcharges associated with Customer’s use of the Services. In addition to applicable regulatory surcharges, “Surcharges” may include any charges or fees assessed by a third party against Bandwidth associated with the provision of Services provided to Customer. Common examples include charges related to A2P Messaging, average call duration, short call duration, abandoned calls, and payphone calls.
13.42 Tax(es) means any form of taxation of whatever nature and imposed by whatever authority in any applicable jurisdiction – including levies, interest, duties, surcharges, penalties, or other similar exactions – arising from or relating to this Agreement or from Customer’s use of Services, other than taxes based on Bandwidth’s net income, payroll, and property.
13.43 Third-Party Services means any distinct service ordered by you under an Order Form which is provided by a third party and resold by Bandwidth either alone or in combination with the Services and described in further detail in the relevant terms and conditions.
13.44 Wind Down Period means a ninety (90) day period (or a shorter period if requested by Customer) immediately after nonrenewal or termination of the Agreement.