phone number management

Phone Number Lookup API

Increase your odds of making customer connections with automated customer phone number intelligence.

Make customer intelligence work for your business

Drive customer conversations knowing you have them engaged. Access valuable customer number intelligence with Bandwidth’s Phone Number Lookup API to make the most of each connection.

Know your odds

Identify your end users’ carriers to plan your carrier mix and predict costs and deliverability before you even send messages.

Get what you pay for

With Bandwidth’s Phone Number Lookup API, sort mobile numbers from landline numbers. Send texts only to phones that can receive text messages.

Improve the security experience

Know what’s the right type of multi-factor authentication and choose between voice or text message authentication based on their line type.

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Example: One TN Request Payload

  "tns": [

Example: Multiple TNs Request Payload

  "tns": [
Above is an example what a request to the phone number lookup API can look like.

A network built for developers

Bandwidth’s number lookup APIs give you the power to scale your tools, products, and applications while providing a better customer experience, all backed by our owned network with global reach.

We simplify phone number management

Get excited about your telecom life! Bandwidth makes carrier operations easy.

Automated number management

Get a vast inventory of numbers at your fingertips with real-time provisioning.
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Bandwidth’s happy porting

Rise above porting frustrations even for bulk ports with Bandwidth’s automated happy porting experience.
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Caller ID management

Ensure your customers know who’s calling them and make them want to pick up your calls.
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Usage Insights

Optimize your communications with real-time voice and messaging insights straight from the carrier.
Learn more

Our support is always on and always included

  • White-glove support delivered 24/7/365
  • Single point of contact for all products
  • 24/7 proactive Network Operations Center (NOC)

Communicate smarter with number insights

Connect with customers the way they like while optimizing your customer communication costs. Let’s talk it through.

Phone number API lookup FAQ